Moving and Reordering Score Sheets

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You can quickly move about and reorder the pages in a song.

arrow To move in the pages in a song in Scorecerer desktop:

Use the cursor to drag the song left or right to view all the pages. A progress bar displays at the bottom of the song, to indicate where you are in the song..


arrow To reorder the pages in a song in Scorecerer desktop:

You can move a page in a song to any position in the song. Hold down Command + Control + Alt (Macintosh) or Control + Windows key + Alt (Windows) and drag the page left or right, to the desired position.

You can now annotate the song, add a score sheet, sync it to your iPad, or publish it for another external device.


Scorecerer iPad icon small With Scorecerer iPad Companion, you can only sync your songs to your iPad.   Using the popup toolbar, you can perform a variety of functions, such as removing a border or splitting a score sheet.