Creating a Lead Sheet

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If you have sheet music containing multiple parts (e.g., guitar chords, melody, lyrics and piano staves), you can use the Lead Sheet Creation tool to quickly create a new sheet containing just the chords, or the chords and lyrics, or just the bass line.


arrow To create a lead sheet:


1.Open an existing song file.


2.Select Lead Sheet Pane from the Lead Sheet menu to open the Lead Sheet Pane to the right of the Scorecerer main window.


Lead Sheet Pane


3.Make certain the first page of your song is visible. Then access the Popup menu bar by hovering your cursor beneath the Icon menu bar.


Popup Menu


4.Click the Create Lead Sheet icon Lead Sheet Create Icon to enable the Create Lead Sheet Mode tool.


5.As you move the cursor across your song image, a magnified view of the image displays.


Lead Sheet 1


Select that part of the full song to include in the lead sheet, such as the guitar chords and the lyrics. Click once to begin selecting and double-click to end selecting. The selected portion of the song displays in the Lead Sheet pane on the right.


Lead Sheet 2


Continue selecting portions from the song to copy into the lead sheet.


Lead Sheet 3



6.Pres Esc to move to the next page of the song and continue selecting portions of the song to copy to the lead sheet.


7.When you've finished selecting sections for the lead sheet, save the lead sheet as a new song and publish it, like any other song. (Be sure to give it a different name from the source song.)

Scorecerer iPad icon small Scorecerer iPad Companion can only sync a song to your iPad, but it can include the lead sheet with the song.


Creating a lead sheet turns a complete song into a sheet that's easy to use during performance.

Lead Sheet 4   Lead Sheet 5



9.Use the Lead Sheet menu to manage your lead sheets:


Lead Sheet menu


Bullet Arrow Select Publish with song to include the lead sheet when you publish this song.

Bullet Arrow Select Publish To and then select your preferred device from the secondary menu:


Lead Sheet secondary menu


Click here for instructions on publishing a song.

Bullet Arrow Select Save As New Song, or click the Lead Sheet Save button button in the Lead Sheet pane, to save this lead sheet as a new song. You will be prompted to enter a name and description of the new song.

Bullet Arrow Select Remove Lead Sheet, or click the Lead Sheet Remove button button in the Lead Sheet pane, to delete this lead sheet from this song.


Note: A video tutorial of the Lead Sheet Creation process is available online at YouTube.