Publishing Your Song as a Standard PDF File

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You can publish your song as a standard PDF file, which can be viewed in any PDF viewer (Adobe Reader, Fox Reader, Apple Preview, and so forth). It's very easy to print a PDF song, and some PDF tools allow files to be edited, so you can modify your songs, if necessary.


PDF files are also quite useful for creating your own song library.

Scorecerer iPad icon small Scorecerer iPad Companion can only sync songs to your iPad.


arrowTo publish your song as a standard PDF file:


1.Click the Publish To button in Scorecerer Desktop Pro and select Standard PDF from the secondary menu.


Publish menu


2.Enter the name for the PDF file, and select the folder in which to save it.


Publish PDF

3.Click Save. Scorecerer publishes your song as a PDF file, and saves it in the folder you selected.

4.Scorecerer tells you when your song is published.


Publish Song Published