Publishing Your Song as a Music Pad File

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If you have a Music Pad, you can publish a cleaned-up song from Scorecerer as a PDF file in a resolution that is suitable for direct importation into the Music Pad. When importing this PDF file into the Freehand Systems Music Pad Manager, use the standard Import mechanism but leave all the options unselected except Convert to grayscale.


Publish Music Pad Dialog


arrowTo publish your song as a PDF for the Music Pad:


1.Click the Publish To button in Scorecerer Desktop Pro and select Music Pad from the secondary menu.


Publish menu


2.Enter a name for the PDF file and select the folder in which to save the file.


Publish PDF

3.Click Save. Scorecerer publishes your song as a PDF file suitable for the Music Pad, and saves it in the folder you selected.

4.Scorecerer tells you when your song is published.


Publish Song Published